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bend one’s knees
弯膝盖  detail>>
bend the hip and the knees
屈髋屈膝  detail>>
bend the knees in worship
屈膝礼拜  detail>>
bend your knees
把膝盖弯曲(屈膝) 弯曲你的膝盖  detail>>
initial knees bend
预蹲  detail>>
the knees bend and squat
屈膝下蹲  detail>>
relax from the knees ,bend your knees
放松漆盖,然后屈漆  detail>>
time can bend your knees
时间会让人屈服 时间使人屈服  detail>>
fall to one’s knees, to
下跪  detail>>
we bend our knees at the altar of my ego
我们曲膝跪拜我自尊的圣坛  detail>>
bend in one direction
单向弯曲  detail>>
one-eihth bend
弧形弯管  detail>>
to bend one’s head
低下头去  detail>>
 vt.  (bent , 〔古语〕 bended bent, 〔古语〕 bended) 1.弄弯,使弯曲,拗弯(棍子等);屈(膝);弯(弓)。 2....  detail>>
bend it
弯曲  detail>>
bend on
系住 系谆增速  detail>>
bend to
屈服于  detail>>
s bend
s形弯段  detail>>